Get Your Trademark approved or pay nothing. We guarantee it.

We’re so confident we’ll get your mark approved that if your trademark gets rejected, we’ll issue a 100% refund. No questions asked.

We take the risk out of Trademarking your brand.

Trademarks Filed
0 +
Success Rate
0 %
5-Star Reviews
0 +
Leading Turnaround Time
0 Days

See what our clients are saying

10.0Andrew Scott Rapacke

Disclaimer: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome

Experienced US trademark attorneys. Transparent pricing. Guaranteed results.

Cheap Online Services
Traditional Law Firms
FREE strategy call with a member of our trademark concierge team.
One of our experienced US attorneys will lead your trademark registration from start to finish.
One transparent flat-fee that covers the entire trademark application process (including office actions).
Unlimited office action responses.
Full refund if the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) denies your trademark application.
Full refund or additional searches if your brand has registerability issues (your choice)

Our attorneys handle every step of the trademark process, from start to finish.

Trademark Strategy Call
We care about your brand. That's why we offer a FREE trademark strategy call where we'll explain every step of the trademark registration process and answer all of your questions.
Conflict Search
Our attorneys will run a trademark conflict search and analyze all relevant results to determine if your brand is a good fit for trademark protection. If not, we'll issue a 100% refund or run an other search at no charge.
Application Drafting & Filing
Our US attorneys will prepare your trademark application based on your company's specific needs and file it with the USPTO after you approve it.
Office Action Response
Over 60% of Trademark applications receive an office action. If this is the case with your application, we'll respond to all examiner office actions at no additional cost to you.
Trademark Registration
You receive your trademark registration certificate and take ownership of your brand!

No matter where you're located we can help you.

From coast to coast, we’ve helped entrepreneurs, startups, and corporations protect their valuable intellectual property assets. Securing over 2,000 patents and trademarks for our clients.

As seen on

Why Trademark Your Brand with The Rapacke Law Group?

Guaranteed results or we'll refund 100% of our fees

We guarantee results. Get your Trademark approved or issue a 100% refund. No questions asked.

Stop impersonators and own your brand

Take ownership of the exclusive rights to your brand name, slogan, and logo and stop competitors from creating confusion or profiting from your brand.

Defend your Trademark rights

Registering a Trademark makes it easier to sue those who steal your mark.

Leverage the ® symbol

Show everyone you mean business and build a powerful brand with the ® symbol.

The Real Cost of Your Trademark Registration

Cheap Online Services
Traditional Law Firms
Total trademark registration cost
$1,950 all inclusive
Trademark Application Preparation and Filing
+$599 or more
+$1,100 or more
Office Action Response (Over 60% of trademark applications receive at least one)
+$599 or more each
+$1,400 or more each
Unlimited Responses Included
Trademark Search
+$299 or more each
+$1,200 or more each
Unlimited Responses Included
USPTO Filing Fees
Full refund if the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) denies your trademark application.
Full refund or additional searches if your brand has registerability issues (your choice)

RLG Guarantee Backed Trademark Registration


($6,725+ Value)

Full refund if your trademark application is denied ($1,950 Value)
Trademark conflict search ($500 Value)
Attorney-led trademark application ($1,350 Value)
Unlimited responses to USPTO office actions ($2,000+ Value)
Trademark application filing ($350 Value)
USPTO filing fees ($275 Value)
If your first choice is problematic, we'll conduct additional trademark searches or issue a full refund if you prefer.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends. If the mark is used for different products or services (known as classifications) you may still be able to register and use the mark. For example, Dove Beauty Bar vs. Dove Chocolate. Same name, different classification of goods. 

Yes. Each trademark application is limited to one name, logo, or phrase. A logo with text can be registered, however the design and text are treated as one trademark with a more limited scope of protection.

On average, we take just 5 business days to file your trademark application.

After we file your application, it typically takes six to nine months if you are using your mark in commerce.

Within a few months, the USPTO will assess your application and either issue an Office action with questions or concerns, or publish your trademark. Your mark is formally registered if it is published and no public complaints are received within 30 days. 

It can take a little longer if you haven’t used your trademark in commerce yet. Following the previous stages, the USPTO will issue a Notice of Allowance, indicating that your mark will be registered if you demonstrate proof of use in commerce via a Statement of Use. Your mark will be formally registered once it has been filed and authorized.

Yes, it is always a possibility. The USPTOs examiner might reject your mark if there’s a chance there could be likelihood of confusion with another trademark (i.e. if your mark sounds like or looks like another mark in a similar industry).

But dont worry, with The Rapacke Law Group you’re covered by The RLG Guarantee! This means if you receive a final rejection on your trademark application, we’ll cover the attorneys fees to file one new mark on your behalf or provide a full refund. The choice is yours!

Guaranteed results

Transparent pricing

Fast turnaround